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Weekend, here I come!

I’m pretty excited about this weekend.  I have a pretty full schedule.  Meeting with a wedding client – I always love the consult meeting – I learn so much about their personalities (and vice versa), what their vision is and far are they willing to go to make it reality!  This meeting totally inspires and invigorates me, it’s like a huge adrenalin shot and my creative juices start flowing like crazy.   The bonus is when the bride jumps on the bandwagon, ideas start flowing and we sound like a couple of excited school girls!  lol  

I’m also holding a mini-clinic for Regan’s fellow middle school high jumpers, and I am soooo excited about this!  I love kids, and the two other high jumpers on her team, Paige & Kendall, are SUCH sweethearts.  It’s so awesome to watch these kids try their darndest at something as technically challenging as this field event, and keep coming back for more – God bless them!    

But the thing I am MOST excited about is having my family over for dinner on Sunday.  It’s been since Christmas that we were all together.  Yes, we even missed Easter since we were in Florida vacationing at the time.  The girls and I are planning on making several fabulous desserts, and my awesome husband is handling the main course.  I’m sure we’ll whip out the Xbox and Wii, maybe Scattergories (I LOVE that game!)   Hmm, maybe I can talk everyone into an impromptu family picture!!  I NEED pictures of my adorable niece and nephews!!!    

Parting shot of the day…compliments of Regan.  How many pounds of camera’s is that?!     

a little make-out action


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